Integrating DEI

Integrating DEI

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Integrating DEI
  • Tracking DEI Progress

    Confirm the critical importance of tracking, measuring, and reporting the results of your DEI initiatives. Review a list of 10 recommended metrics you can use to set baselines, measure your progress, and pinpoint priorities for improvement.

  • Selecting Your Diversity Champion

    Consider the critical importance of choosing the right diversity champion for your organization. Find out the essential qualities, qualifications and competencies for this role that directly affects your corporate culture and every key performance indicator.

  • How to Implement Inclusion Strategies

    Put your company’s inclusion strategies into action and increase your employees’ sense of belonging by following these recommended steps related to policies and processes; meetings, schedules, and events; and, work environments.

  • How to Connect with Middle Managers

    Examine the benefits of knowing your audience when engaging middle managers in DEI. Learn to convey “what’s in it for them” when they integrate DEI practices into how they hire and manage their employees. Leverage middle managers’ ability to powerfully influence company culture.

  • Should Organizations Create Incentives for Participation in DEI Initiatives?

    Hear some examples of effective incentives for participation in DEI initiatives and when you might use one incentive versus another.

  • 5 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Diversity Officer

    When hiring your company’s first Diversity Officer, it pays to design an effective hiring process. Familiarize yourself with the five most serious mistakes some companies make and how to successfully avoid them.

  • How Do I Make My Organization More Diverse?

    Want to increase the diversity of your workforce? Follow these best practices to build a recruiting pipeline that sources more underrepresented candidates, strategic partnerships that improve your brand recognition with diverse communities, and an interview process that mitigates unconscious bias.

  • Racial Equity: Turning Statements Into Actionable Strategies

    Educate yourself about the many ways that you and your company can translate a verbal commitment to racial equity into visible, tangible actions that begin to redress centuries of systemic racial inequality and make a positive difference in your community.

  • Tips for Designing Diversity Month Programming

    Make your organization’s celebration of Diversity Month both informative and inspiring to all with this list of great suggestions. Learn how combining facts and figures with food, art, music, and games is a recipe for fun, education, and company-wide engagement.

  • Should Your Organization Mandate Participation in DEI Iniatives?

    Learn why mandating DEI initiatives can backfire and cause resistance to DEI efforts. And learn how to approach initiatives instead, making it a daily and engaging journey.

  • How Do I Make My Organization More Age Diverse?

    Tap into these proven approaches and recommended action steps to increase the age diversity of your employee team, and by doing so add a broader range of valuable perspectives, skills, and experiences to your organization.

  • How to Fix a Communication Error

    Be prepared to repair the damage caused by communications problems with this valuable, expert advice. Know what to do next to make things right if your company has unintentionally offended employees or clients by something you’ve said -- or failed to say -- in your corporate communications.

  • How to Connect with Frontline Employees

    Know your audience when talking to frontline employees about DEI. Learn to calm potential fears and concerns and share the message that diversity and inclusion benefit all employees and company success.

  • Diversity & Inclusion: Not Seasonal or Passing Trends

    Dig deeper into why diversity and inclusion are vital to productivity, profitability, and innovation, not just buzzwords, trends, or a series of holiday observances. See how a “check the box” mentality toward DEI is bound to backfire and why savvy executives make DEI an organizational imperative.

  • Common Challenges Leaders Face with DEI

    DEI has become a primary priority in many organizations today. But just 12-18 months ago, it wasn't the case. Hear how organizations' challenges around DEI have shifted over the past couple of years.

  • How to Gather DEI Data

    Discover why you should make data collection and analysis your first step in DEI strategy design. Follow this step-by-step approach to determine baselines at your company and benchmarks for comparison with others. Use metrics to define realistic DEI goals and the strategies to achieve them.

  • Diversity Minutes: Integrating DEI into the Flow of Work

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  • Avoiding DEI Practitioner's Fatigue

    Recognize the pitfalls of fatigue and overwhelm if you say yes to everyone’s requests in your role as a DEI practitioner. Learn how to optimize your impact as a DEI leader by staying energized, resilient, and focused on your top strategic priorities.

  • 4 Steps to Leveling the Entrepreneurial Playing Field

    Explore this thoughtful analysis of how to change the culture of entrepreneurship to become more inclusive of diverse business founders. Consider the action steps business leaders must take to effectively level the playing field and provide helpful support to underrepresented entrepreneurs.

  • Character Traits for Leading DEI

    Consider the combination of character traits an individual must have to excel as a DEI leader. Find out what’s meant by the term “growth mindset” and why it’s essential to effective DEI leadership. Discover why self-awareness is an especially valuable asset for DEI practitioners.

  • 4 Reasons Why Diversity Programs Usually Fail

    Position your DEI program for success by examining four common reasons that cause some programs to fail. Learn to avoid the pitfalls of executive resistance, diversity fatigue, and lack of training, by creating a program that’s focused on systems and behavior change.

  • Can You Accomplish DEI Goals Without Calling it DEI?

    DEI is a controversial topic, but that doesn't mean you can't accomplish DEI goals. Learn how to reframe and rename goals to maintain buy-in.

  • 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating ERGs

    Review this list of 10 common mistakes to avoid when creating an Employee Resource Group (also known as a Business Resource Group or affinity group) and you’ll have a helpful, step-by-step blueprint for approaching this objective in the best possible way.

  • 6 Steps to Address and Prevent DEI Backlash

    Recognize that DEI initiatives frequently face some internal resistance and learn how to minimize and manage it. Prepare to soften resistance before it starts by integrating these six recommended approaches for increasing DEI buy-in at all levels of your organization.