FEATURED: Mental Health & Wellness

FEATURED: Mental Health & Wellness

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FEATURED: Mental Health & Wellness
  • How to Support Your Colleagues Mental Health

    Move past the stigma often attached to discussing mental health issues with this helpful guidance. Learn the importance of listening to your coworkers, maintaining their confidence and trust, avoiding biased language and behaviors, and providing them with encouragement and helpful referrals.

  • How to Support Your Friend's and Family's Mental Health

    Here’s an insightful list of five tips that can help you to provide helpful support to a family member or close friend with a mental health diagnosis. Confirm why it’s essential to take care of yourself first before you can be of help to others.

  • Navigating Mental Health Awareness Month

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  • Inclusive Language for Mental Health & Cognitive Diversity

    Find out how to communicate inclusively when discussing mental and emotional health and neurodiversity -- the natural variations in brain functioning for learning, thinking, and processing information. Learn to recognize and avoid language that is trivializing, derogatory, or insulting.

  • What is Mental Health Awareness Month?

    Gain a quick overview of the prevalence of mental illness in our society, and therefore your own workforce. Learn how to address a previously taboo topic, raise awareness, and significantly reduce stigma by observing Mental Health Awareness Month in May.

  • Avoiding DEI Practitioner's Fatigue

    Recognize the pitfalls of fatigue and overwhelm if you say yes to everyone’s requests in your role as a DEI practitioner. Learn how to optimize your impact as a DEI leader by staying energized, resilient, and focused on your top strategic priorities.

  • Building a Self-Care Practice

    Feeling overwhelmed and overextended? Here are five helpful steps you can take to reduce your stress and boost your well-being. Learn how to reset, recharge, and build resilience with these wise suggestions for effective self-care.

  • Difference Between a Service Animal and an Emotional Support Animal

    Get clear on the difference between service animals and emotional support animals and the ways they assist people. Benefit from helpful tips for accommodating these animals in your workplace, including what’s required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  • Self-Care for DEI Practitioners

    Recognize the reasons that the role of DEI practitioner can be emotionally draining, causing feelings of defeat and overwhelm. Learn effective ways to take care of yourself, refresh, and recharge, both every day and at especially stressful times.

  • What Should I Call Someone Who Is OCD?

    Learn the respectful way to refer to someone who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, when it might be appropriate, and why you should never call someone OCD as a joke.

  • How Do You Ensure Emotional Wellness When Having a Difficult Conversation?

    We are all human and conversations can be difficult no matter where we are on our DEI journey. Learn some tips on how to reset and recenter when having a difficult conversation.

  • What is Executive Dysfunction?

    Understand the definition of executive dysfunction, how it impacts work performance, and what steps can be taken to empower employees who have this condition.

  • What is an Intellectual Disability?

    Develop a deeper understanding of intellectual disabilities, not only how these terms are defined, but how they impact some people’s ability to reason, solve problems, plan, understand concepts, and learn.

  • What is a Toxic Workplace Culture?

    A toxic workplace culture can be hard to spot from the outside, but employees know it when they’re working in one. Bullying, threats, micromanaging, and a constant feeling of uncertainty are all signals that a toxic culture may be festering.

  • How To Improve Employee Retention

    Get helpful best practices for reducing employee turnover and building a loyal, cohesive workforce. Consider factors that employees value beyond salary and benefits alone. Discover why an inclusive company culture helps retain employees for the long term.

  • What is Mansplaining and How to Avoid It

    Discover the meaning of the term “mansplaining.” Learn why this way of communicating makes employees on the receiving end feel disrespected and creates a toxic company culture. Learn best practices for addressing and eliminating mansplaining behavior in your organization.

  • What is the Great Resignation?

    Consider why Americans are quitting their jobs in record numbers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn valuable best practices for building an inclusive, supportive, and flexible culture that will reduce employee turnover at your company.

  • What are the Costs of a Negative Workplace Culture?

    Negative workplace cultures take a toll on the health and well-being of all employees, and the financial success of the business. Let’s explore a few costs associated with toxic workplaces and how to avoid them.

  • What is Toxic Masculinity?

    Toxic masculinity is associated with a winner-take-all mentality, emotional toughness, physical stamina, and sabotaging colleagues or coworkers to get ahead. This video will help you understand the meaning of this phrase and why it matters in the workplace.

  • How Do I Change My Workplace Culture?

    Here are five actions employees can take when they find themselves immersed in a toxic workplace culture. These actions can include self reflection, speaking up, forming a coalition, and even leaving your job as an act of self care.

  • Types of Toxic Work Environments

    Your company culture is important to the productivity, engagement, loyalty, and overall well-being of your employees. Toxic, negative, and lackluster cultures have a detrimental impact on everyone. Here, we’ll discuss the 2 most common types of toxic work environments.

  • What is Your Recommendation for How to Begin a Courageous Conversation?

    Learn when and how to begin a civil courageous conversation and when to table the conversation for a different time. Hear tips on how to make sure all parties are open to hearing new perspectives.

  • 10 Things You Can Do Today to Interrupt a Toxic Culture

    If you find yourself stuck in a toxic workplace, here are 10 things you can do to interrupt the negativity and make way for a more supportive, encouraging, and positive company culture. You don’t need to be in leadership to kickstart positive change. Every employee can make a difference.

  • How Do I Know If My Workplace Culture Is Toxic?

    Many aspects of a workplace culture can indicate a toxic working environment, including lack of communication and transparency, gossip, lack of input from employees, self-centered leadership, and unfair policies.