Age & Generation

Age & Generation

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Age & Generation
  • What is Ageism?

    Clarify your understanding of ageism, the common manifestations of this form of bias, and its negative effects. Get helpful advice for addressing and eliminating ageism throughout your organization.

  • What is Generational Diversity?

    Understand what “generational diversity” means and how it can positively impact your organization, as well as how to achieve generational diversity in the workplace and avoid ageism as an obstacle.

  • 5 Core Guidelines of Age Etiquette

    Ageism exists in the workplace for people of all age types. So, how do you avoid unintentionally offended your coworkers? Follow these 5 principles of age etiquette to foster a respectful and inclusive workplace culture.

  • The Myth that Ageism is an Acceptable Prejudice

    Consider this compelling case for thoroughly rejecting society’s entrenched and pervasive bias against older people. See how this prejudice is based on false assumptions and how it unfairly stereotypes and marginalizes a sizable portion of our population, to the detriment of all.

  • How Do You Engage More Young Professionals in Executive Board Development?

    Having diversity of age and generation is just as beneficial to board development as is having racial or gender diversity. Learn how to engage more young professionals on your board.

  • Types of Diversity

    Learn about several dimensions of diversity including race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, neurodiversity, age, ability, religion, and acquired diversity.

  • How Do I Make My Organization Inclusive to People of All Ages?

    Recognize that ageism is just as serious as any other form of discrimination. Learn how to address ageism in your company’s policies, operating procedures, and DEI initiatives to ensure a welcoming, inclusive, and productive culture.

  • Principles for Inclusive Writing

    Hear why having a team of diverse editors (along dimensions including age, race, ethnicity, gender, and more) is so important for inclusive writing of all styles: books, blogs, emails, ads, and so on.

  • Combating Age-Related Bias at Work

    Follow these four recommendations to root out age-based bias throughout your organization. Confirm why ageism is just as serious as any other form of discrimination and why eliminating it will create a team that is more adept, innovative, and productive.

  • Diversity Issues in the Tech Industry

    The technology industry has a long history of diversity challenges. Women, older workers, and people of color are especially disadvantaged when it comes to advancing into leadership positions or gaining traction as startup founders.

  • What is Age Diversity?

    Discover why integrating employees of all different ages results in teams that are more skilled, innovative, and productive. Consider the value that both older and younger employees bring to the mix and how cross-generational mentorships help employees of all ages become more competent.

  • How Ageism Affects Young People

    Look at ageism from a broader perspective and you’ll recognize how bias based on age negatively affects younger coworkers as well as older ones. Learn to spot age-based microaggressions that impede the contributions of younger colleagues and learn how to address this form of discrimination.

  • How Should Organizations Approach Ageism in the Recruiting Process?

    Age bias, just like other forms of bias, can easily and quickly seep into the recruiting process if you don't take steps to mitigate it. Learn a few easy ways to ensure your hiring processes are fair for people of all ages.

  • 5 Steps to Be An Ally Against Ageism

    To combat ageism and become an effective ally to your coworkers of all ages, review and adopt these five straightforward practices. Understand the importance of listening, self-education, speaking up, addressing unconscious bias, and advocating for others to ending age-based bias.

  • What Are the Consequences of Ageism?

    Gain clarity on the definition of ageism and open your awareness to the wide range of its negative effects on employees’ mental health, self-esteem, and even their physical well-being. Learn the importance of making employees of all ages feel welcome, included, and accepted.

  • How To Be More Inclusive of Your Older Colleagues

    Ageism in the workplace harms all employees and inhibits productivity and collaboration. However, there are ways to unlearn the assumptions people often make about older generations, enabling us to recognize the value all people bring to the workplace.

  • Inclusive Language for People of All Ages

    Here is common sense guidance for what language to use when speaking about the topic of age. Get up-to-date on what words are considered respectful when speaking to or about others, and avoid injecting age into a conversation or comment when the topic is irrelevant.

  • How Do I Make My Organization More Age Diverse?

    Tap into these proven approaches and recommended action steps to increase the age diversity of your employee team, and by doing so add a broader range of valuable perspectives, skills, and experiences to your organization.

  • What are the Different Types of Diversity?

    Consider the multi-dimensional aspects of diversity (beyond race and gender alone) to gain a better perspective on the wide array of groups and intersecting identities that are represented, recognized, and respected in a truly inclusive society.

  • Understanding Different Generations in the Workplace

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  • How Can We Advocate for the Next Generation of LGBTQ+ Employees?

    Learn how the work we do now to create more LGBTQ+-inclusive workplaces will impact future generations. For the full webinar, visit