Why You Shouldn’t Say “Girl” At Work
Referring to women as “girls,” or other child-like terms, is disrespectful and undermines their workplace engagement and productivity by denying their maturity and human dignity. Learn more about infantilizing terms and how they work as microaggressions.
How Do I Make My Organization More Age Diverse?
Tap into these proven approaches and recommended action steps to increase the age diversity of your employee team, and by doing so add a broader range of valuable perspectives, skills, and experiences to your organization.
3 Ways to Make Your Organization More Inclusive to Asexual People
Follow this three-part guidance to ensure that your company policies, communications, and culture make your workplace a safe and supportive environment for employees who identify their sexual orientation as asexual.
How Do I Create Job Satisfaction?
Discover the factors that contribute to job satisfaction, and understand what your organization’s leadership can do to promote a positive work environment.
Mitigating Cultural Challenges in Global Organizations
In a multinational organization with employees of all different backgrounds, it’s common for some cultural challenges to arise. Learn how to mitigate cultural challenges in global organizations.
Communicating Effectively with People with Intellectual Disabilities
Benefit from these helpful best practices for communicating and collaborating effectively with people with intellectual disabilities. Learn how to adapt your communication style to fit the needs of your colleagues.
Advice for Diversity Trailblazers
If you are your company’s only employee of a certain identity, here’s guidance for forging a successful career path and taking care of yourself in the process. Learn how your personal trajectory can inspire others to blaze their own trail as your organization grows more diverse.
How Do I Make Someone Feel Included at Work?
Learn steps for making sure everyone at work feels included, heard, and valued. Unlock the power of inclusion to create a more collaborative, productive, and enjoyable work environment.
How Do I Start Tough Conversations?
Learn how to begin tough conversations about social issues in a way that feels respectful, comfortable, equitable, and productive.
Is it Okay to Ask Someone if They Have Autism?
Understand why it’s overly personal and inappropriate to ask someone about their medical conditions, including whether they have Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD. Medical and psychological conditions are deeply personal topics that many people don’t feel comfortable discussing.
How Does DEI Impact Employee Engagement?
Review the results of several recent surveys and studies confirming the positive impacts of DEI on employee satisfaction, productivity, and loyalty. Recognize how an inclusive culture empowers employees to do their best work.
How Do I Show I Am Culturally Aware?
Cultural awareness centers on respecting and valuing the differences of other people and groups. Open-mindedness and engaged learning is key to inclusion. This video will show you how to respectfully communicate your cultural awareness.
Communicating to Acquire Top Talent
From job postings to interview processes, it's critical that every step of the recruitment process is inclusive and equitable so that your company can recruit and retain the best talent. Learn tips and tricks for inclusive hiring.
How Frontline Bias Can Cost You Customers
Frontline bias is a term used to describe the negative attitudes and unconscious biases that frontline professionals may hold against customers of particular demographics. Understand how this type of bias can cost you customers.
What Does Casual Discrimination Look Like?
Casual discrimination is a rampant issue, affecting all people at some point in their lives and many people every day. Bias and microaggressions can take multiple forms, from unwelcome questions to simply going unacknowledged. Learn how to identify and combat casual discrimination at work.
How Can I Support Colleagues with Intellectual Disabilities?
Gain insights and get helpful guidance for supporting your colleagues with intellectual disabilities. Discover three keys to helping colleagues feel welcome and included, creating a more productive workplace for all.
Why DEI Matters on the Front Line
If you’re a frontline professional, learn how DEI training will help you to communicate more effectively, improve job performance, help your company to improve its customer service, and reach its goals.
What Frontline Professionals Need to Know About Inclusion
Helpful guidance for frontline personnel on what inclusion means and how to ensure an inclusive customer experience. Learn three simple steps to create a workplace environment that’s welcoming to everyone based on showing respect, listening, and avoiding assumptions.
How to Recruit Employees with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities serve as dedicated and valued employees at many organizations. Learn how to recruit employees who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Employee Rights Regarding Religious Holidays
Understand employee rights as they apply to taking time off for religious holidays, depending on whether you work for the federal government or in the private sector, and whether or not your company offers PTO.
What is Integrity?
Take a closer look at integrity and why it’s an essential core value for every successful business. Learn to recognize acts of integrity like taking accountability, admitting and learning from mistakes, and maintaining ethical business practices. Also, consider the connection between integrity an...
3 Things You Can Do Today to Practice Intentional Inclusion
Inclusion is about respect. Start building a more respectful culture today by practicing intentional inclusion. Here are three things you can do to get started.
The Benefits of Hiring Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Hiring people with intellectual disabilities is a win-win for companies and their employees. Learn about the benefits of tapping into this talent pool.
How to Prepare for a DEI Job Interview
Diversity, equity, and inclusion is one of the fastest-growing professional fields in the market today. If you’re searching for a DEI role, here are a few tips to prepare for your interview.