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  • 10 Inclusive Language Blunders and How to Correct Them

    Take a closer look at some everyday expressions and you may find they’re historically rooted in racial or gender prejudice. Consider some simple ways to replace these language blunders with inclusive language in order to promote a healthier corporate culture.

  • Why Does Diversity and Inclusion Matter?

    Gain a better understanding of diversity and inclusion in the context of the workplace, the many ways to foster feelings of belonging and loyalty among your employees, and how an inclusive environment can unlock the impressive power of diversity throughout your organization.

  • Types of Diversity

    Learn about several dimensions of diversity including race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, neurodiversity, age, ability, religion, and acquired diversity.

  • What's the Difference Between Equality & Equity?

    Take a closer look at two concepts -- equality and equity -- to gain clarity on the significant differences between the two. Simple examples help show why creating an equitable workplace is a win-win for companies and their employees.

  • Why is Inclusive Language Important?

    Benefit from this insightful definition of inclusive language and how it helps people to feel safe, included, and valued. Recognize the damage caused by non-inclusive language. Learn about links between inclusive language and employee productivity and loyalty.

  • What is Unconscious Bias?

    Understand the mechanics behind unconscious, or implicit, bias and how it manifests in the workplace.

  • How to Act as an Ally When a Coworker Comes Out

    What’s the best way to be an effective ally when a colleague comes out to you at work? Here’s a sample role play conversation that will help you learn to be respectful and supportive. Feel comfortable and authentic in the moment by practicing ahead of time.

  • Who Has Privilege and Who Doesn't?

    Consider the multifaceted nature of the concept of privilege. Recognize that each person has a unique combination of privileges and obstacles to navigate. Learn how we can leverage our privileges to benefit others and build a more inclusive, equitable society.

  • What are Microaggressions?

    Learn what a microaggression is and a few examples of microaggressions different groups of people may experience.

  • Practicing Inclusive Language

    In this scenario-based video, you will be exposed to inclusive language faux pas and ways to correct them. Learn when certain descriptors are necessary versus inappropriate, how to avoid evoking tragedy when it's not present, and why "normal" is a poor choice of words. Speaking up can be scary, b...