Career Navigation

Career Navigation

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Career Navigation
  • Why is Sponsorship so Important in the Workplace?

    Learn the difference between mentorship and sponsorship and why sponsorship is so important for underrepresented groups in the workplace.

  • How ERGs Build Inclusive Workplace Cultures

    Explore the various ways that Employee Resource Groups (or ERGs) help to build inclusive workplace cultures. Discover why ERGs bring positive benefits to a company’s recruiting, hiring, retention, career development, and mentorship programs, and contribute to thought leadership.

  • How Do I Make My Organization Inclusive to People of All Ages?

    Recognize that ageism is just as serious as any other form of discrimination. Learn how to address ageism in your company’s policies, operating procedures, and DEI initiatives to ensure a welcoming, inclusive, and productive culture.

  • How to Connect with Middle Managers

    Examine the benefits of knowing your audience when engaging middle managers in DEI. Learn to convey “what’s in it for them” when they integrate DEI practices into how they hire and manage their employees. Leverage middle managers’ ability to powerfully influence company culture.

  • Resourcing Equitably

    Learn how to resource equitably both internally and externally to your organization. Hear real-world examples of good first steps to take and the impact they drive.

  • How to Connect with Frontline Employees

    Know your audience when talking to frontline employees about DEI. Learn to calm potential fears and concerns and share the message that diversity and inclusion benefit all employees and company success.

  • Recruiting ERG Members

    Get great suggestions for inviting and engaging employee participation in Employee Resource Groups, or ERGs. Confirm why endorsements from your CEO and executive sponsor are critical to success, and how ERG collaboration increases both engagement and impact.

  • The Top 5 Reasons People Stay in Jobs

    Employee turnover is expensive, and replacing employees is a time-consuming process. To mitigate turnover and increase retention, you’ll need to understand why people stay in jobs and bring those practices into your own organization. By doing so, you’ll save time, money, and effort.

  • Best Practices for Professional Development as a Driver of Employee Engagement

    Understand best practices for establishing professional development opportunities that in turn increase employee engagement. For the full webinar, visit

  • What are ERGs? Are They the Same as BRGs? Affinity Groups?

    Learn the different between ERGs, BRGs, and affinity groups, and why each stands to benefits your organization.

  • Starting an ERG at Your Organization

    Here’s a brief, helpful introduction to Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), a description of the value they deliver, and best practices for starting one, including finding an executive sponsor, securing a budget, and defining your goals.

  • Introduction to the Employee Engagement Model

    This introduction to The Diversity Movement's employee engagement model explains how leader's and employee's expectations and desires overlap.

  • How Mentors Open Doors to Unchartered Territory

    Listen to a first-hand account about the power of mentorship to open doors otherwise closed to mentees. For the full webinar, visit

  • The Employee Engagement Model

    Understand how leaders can balance their priorities -- profit and risk -- with employee priorities -- belonging and work satisfaction -- via the employee engagement model. For the full webinar, visit

  • How Can I Empower Women Employees?

    Women make up almost half the global workforce but just 8 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs. In order to expand opportunities for women in leadership and career development, we must understand how to empower them in our workplaces on a daily basis.

  • Proximity Bias and Career Advancement

    The growing popularity of hybrid workplaces brings concerns about proximity bias, which can negatively impact the growth and career advancement of remote workers. This phenomenon disproportionately affects women, people of color, and parents.